Spirit of place (Latin genius loci) is the patron spirit of a particular place (village, mountain, individual tree). Rethinking this...
Acrylic, mixed media on canvas. 80x60 cm «Travel through time, changing energies, principles, ideas about the world like a frequency on a...
"The accumulation of excess capacity to move beyond the usual paradigm. This is not the calm before the storm. It is the accumulation of...
"The first frontier. The bifurcation point becomes a line, the place of transition to a new state is scarred, and forever remains in the...
"The transition site has healed, dividing and values into before and after. The thin red line is there, and reminds you of it. To cross it...
"All important stages have been passed, paving the way for the next phenomenon with the rays of the sun. Greetings to the New...