Spirit of place (Latin genius loci) is the patron spirit of a particular place (village, mountain, individual tree). Rethinking this concept, through my work I want to introduce you to GENIUS LOCI, which is not tied to a particular place. It takes energy from places of power on the planet (and beyond), shifting attention to a "place of power" within the individual that is limitless, unconditional, timeless, with direct contact with the "higher". A place of conscious or forced stopping, of reassembly, a place where the phoenix can shake off the ashes after rebirth. Figurative and abstract paintings show places from the past, present and future: the peaks of living volcanoes, quiet mountains, the blue surface of water, and places that have no manifested natural form but contain a transcendent silence. This is how all the places of power are synchronized with the inner fulcrum of a person. The viewer realizes: "My Home is Everywhere, my Home is Inside, I am the Place of Power".